Saravana Ravindran
National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (Instructor)
Co-chair, Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee, LKYSPP (2022 - )
Awarded the LKYSPP Digital Teaching Excellence Award 2021
PP6704 The Economics of Public Policy - Microeconomics (PhD Core Module, 2021- )
PP5234 Economics of Developing Countries (Masters-level Elective Module, 2020- )
PP5801 Economic Analysis - Microeconomics (MPA Core Module, 2021- 2023)
With the 2023 PP5801 MPA Microeconomics Class (Sep 2023).
With the 2023 PP5234 Development Economics Class (Nov 2023).
New York University, Economics Department (Teaching Assistant)
Topics in Econometrics (Undergraduate advanced-level, Spring 2015)
Nominated for the 2015 NYU College of Arts & Science Outstanding Teaching Award
Introduction to Econometrics (Undergraduate intermediate-level, Fall 2016)
Nominated for the 2016 NYU College of Arts & Science Outstanding Teaching Award
Statistics (Undergraduate introductory-level, Fall 2015 - Spring 2016)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
National University of Singapore
Level 2 #02-08 Li Ka Shing Building
469B Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 259771
+65 6516 8360